• Gary Sandler
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    Published 2 May 2021

    According to the New Mexico Indian Affairs Department, the Land of Enchantment is home to 219,237 Native American citizens. Members of the 23 tribes associated with the 3 reservations and 19 pueblos located within our borders make up just under 10.5 percent of our state’s entire population. While many tribal members live on their respective homelands, a significant number live in the cities, towns and villages scattered throughout New Mexico. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 5,018 of those tribal members reside in Dona Ana County.

    Until the early 1990s, traditional mortgage lending was unavailable to Native American and Alaskan Native tribal members who wished to purchase homes located on tribal land. In an effort to address the lack of mortgage availability, Congress passed the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 and the Section 184 loan program. Initially, the program applied only to loans made on tribal lands. In 2005, it was expanded to include loans made to tribal members living in most states, including New Mexico.

    The loans, which offer many advantages over traditional mortgage products, are made by local lenders and guaranteed 100% by the Office of Loan Guarantee within the U.S. Housing and Urban Development’s Office of Native American Programs. The guarantee protects lenders in the event the borrower defaults on the loan.

    Loans are underwritten using traditional FHA guidelines, which means that borrowers have to demonstrate that they have steady income and the ability to repay the loan. Credit is still an important component of the qualifying process, but scores are deemphasized under the Section 184 guidelines.

    Other differences include a 2.25 percent down payment for loans of $50,000, or more, and 1.25 percent for loans under $50,000. Interest rates are based on market rates and not on one’s credit scores, so borrowers who meet minimum credit standards are offered the same rate as exceptionally qualified borrowers. To date, over $100 million in loans have been made to New Mexico tribal members.

    The loans can be used to purchase a new or existing single-family home, or to build a home, which in either case must be owner-occupied. Manufactured homes on permanent foundations also qualify as long as they are owner-occupied, permanently set, and have not been moved from the lots they were delivered to when they were new. Owner-occupants can also buy a fixer-upper or refinance an existing loan.

    Income properties consisting of 2 to 4 units can also be financed under the program as long as the borrower lives in one of the units. Investment properties in excess of 4 units, and second homes, are not eligible for 184 mortgages under any circumstances. Maximum loan amounts in Dona Ana County are $331,760 for single-family homes, $424,653 for a duplex, $514,228 for three units, and $636,979 for a 4-unit building.

    Each tribe establishes membership requirements that are set forth in their constitutions, articles of incorporation or ordinances. Current tribal members are good to go and can apply for a loan through one of HUD’s participating lenders. A list can be easily found by typing “HUD 184 participating lenders” into your browser.

    If you’re not a tribal member but think you may be eligible to join, you need to do your genealogical research, document your ancestry and make application to the tribe with whom your ancestor is or was affiliated. Once membership is established, you’ll be ready to make application to a participating lender.

    With a bit of legwork and a little luck, you could be the next tribal member to purchase a Las Cruces area property.

    See you at closing!

    Gary Sandler is a full-time Realtor and president of Gary Sandler Inc., Realtors in Las Cruces. He loves to answer questions and can be reached at 575-642-2292 or Gary@GarySandler.com.

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      Gary Sandler