• Gary Sandler
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    Published 12 June 2023

    Most locals are surprised to learn that Doña Ana County and Los Angeles County are roughly the same size – each measuring roughly 4,000 square miles in area. Locals are even more surprised to learn how lucky they are to have so much room to roam compared to their Southern California counterparts.

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s latest estimates, Dona Ana County measures 3,807 square miles in area and has a population of 223,337. That equates to about 59 people for each square mile. In comparison, Los Angeles County, with its population of 10,014,046, shoehorns 2,466 people into each of its 4,061 square miles.

    While that sounds like a heck of a lot of people crowded into a county the size of Dona Ana, L.A. County residents have it pretty good compared to the 1,596,273 residents of New York County, New York (Manhattan area), where the occupancy ratio is 69,403 citizens per each of its 23 square miles. Closer to home, Bernalillo County’s (Albuquerque area’s) 1,162 square miles is home to 672,508 New Mexicans, or about 579 residents per square mile. Each square mile contains 640 acres.

    Owner occupants make up approximately 64.9 percent of the 82,176 housing units in Dona Ana County, down from 65.4 percent seven years ago, according to the Census Bureau. In Bernalillo County, 62.8 percent of the population own their own home. Just under 46.2 percent of L.A. County residents own the place they call home, while slightly fewer than one-in-four New York County residents hold deeds to the properties they occupy.

    New York County, New York residents brought home the most bacon, posting a median income of $93,956 per household. The median is where half earned more, and half earned less. The median income for L.A. County households was $76,367. Bernalillo County family units earned approximately $56,920, and Dona Ana County households earned $47,151.

    Oh! And in case you’re wondering, the least populous county in America is Kalawao County, Hawaii. It’s 11.99 square miles of land is home to 82 people who are free to roam about at the rate of 6.8 per square mile.

    See you at closing.


    Gary Sandler is a full-time Realtor and the owner of Gary Sandler Inc., Realtors in Las Cruces, New Mexico. He loves to answer questions and can be reached at (575) 642-2292 or Gary@GarySandler.com.

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      Gary Sandler